Friday, April 4, 2008


What is going on? Lately I have been hearing more and more conversations of faith and belief. This doesn't bother me, actually I am quit excited to be hearing these conversations. But the thing that is weird is that only recently in the past month have these conversations have been happening. Why now, is this all happening and how can it continue?


Jeanette said...

my mom asked me once if i ever sit around and talk about God and things of a more religious nature with my friends. when she was in her 20's this was a common thing in her circle of friends. it just so happens that this was also the time that they became christians and so they were excited and the energy for discussion oozed out of them. i think that conversations like these are much like wildfire. once it catches, it spreads fast. it takes one or two ignition points yes, but also the environment has to be right for it. not that there isn't always a time for discussion, but i sense now that there is an eagerness in people, much like there was for my mom and her friends back in the 70's.

Jon Mears said...

Jeanette you are wise my friend!