Monday, February 25, 2008

Not For Sale

I never have been and never will work in the sales industry. I believe God has created to be relational in all aspects of my life, in pleasure and in business. Meaning whether I am with a friend, a fellow co-worker, or boss I am always think about how they are, what they need, and how I can help.

A comment was made to me the other day that I needed to sell announcements for the church that I attend. Now I care deeply about the person who made this comment to me and I am not trying to put them down or to ridicule them for the comment they made to me. I know this persons heart and their intentions. But their comment of selling church announcements to people didn't settle well with me.

I don't think God intended for people to be a consumer in the church. I sometimes have trouble with mega churches, and what I mean by that is a church averaging over 5,000 people. The only reason I have trouble is that it seems, to me at least, that these are the churches overly concerned about your pocket book and what you are spend your money on. Now I know that this is not the case with ALL mega churches. I have seen and been to a few that have not come off as interested in a persons finances but rather their soul and who they are.

I am not saying money is bad, I am not saying its bad to promote events in the church. What I am saying is that if we are focused on selling what God has to say and offer, then I am out. My God is not for Sale.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

One day a year we set out a time where we are supposed to be reminded and show the people closest to us, we care about them, that we love them. We buy extravagant gifts, flowers, candy, and many other things. This is the day were some husbands and boyfriends become the most romantic in their relationships, but any other day they are not as romantic.

I don't like Valentines day. Not because people become mushy mounds of skin, but rather that because one day a year is set out to remind us to love the ones we care about.

What if everyday of the year was like valentines day. That everyday or try every day to show love to the ones we care about in a spontaneous way. A way that no one is expecting.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hope in the Headlights

She Hoped I would stop
She Hoped I would Save Her
The lights illuminated her silhouette
There she stood frantic and waving
Standing in front of my car
She Hoped I would stop for her
The sound of the door unlocking
Was the sound of safety
She Hoped I would take her
She Hoped I could.
In the end Hope saved her
In the end Hope was her friend
In the end I did very little
She should have thanked Hope
Not me.